Catering to the Hispanic Market

One of the Smart Briefs recently ran an article on catering to the Hispanic market which was mostly nonsense.

The editor should have edited.

Anyway, over the years in our Marketing Doctor subsidiary, we’ve had several clients who want to cater to the Hispanic market and we’ve learned a few things, which we’ll share with you:

1. 90% of the Hispanics are just like you and me, but there is a segment, which we will call the ‘recently arrived’ which are still wedded to the mores of Mexico or Spain.

2. In sociological terms, most Hispanics are regarded as ‘strivers’, probably moreso than the rest of our population…..that’s why they emigrated. You can get this idea if you read Hispanic periodicals.

2. The article was oriented towards strictly retail, consumer companies, but there’s a b2b market out there of some size. We’ve had Hispanic Solutions Forum members, but by and large, they’re no different from you and me. In fact, until it closed, we held meetings in a Hispanic oriented market in downtown Phoenix. Some of our clients employ bilingual inside or outside salespeople, which is good in Phoenix.

3. If you want to cater to the newly arrived, go wander around a Hispanic market. We’ve done that, and it’s very informative. You might have to alter product characteristics, packaging, and maybe even pricing. If you already sell in Mexico or Spain, consider adopting those product externals.

This is an interesting topic…..we’d love to hear of some success stories (or horror tales) on marketing to the Hispanic community.

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